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Hermann Knüfken (1893-1976)

These make the perfect tea-time snack, famously eaten dipped in tea! These biscuits have a delicious blend of buttery, sweet, and savory flavors which is complimented well by the warm, earthy taste from the cumin seeds. I am sharing a simple recipe to make these at home, and trust me, once you try out this recipe, you will not go back to the store-bought ones.

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Cumin Biscuits – Pakistani Jeera Cookies
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Can Navalny Take Down Putin?
Трубный хомут DGR с гайкой 1 1/2

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But Putin has spent the last decade consolidating a police state, and he is prepared to use every available tool to retain power. Does the wave of protests that have swept Russia in recent weeks herald another regime change? Not likely. Putin has spent the last decade consolidating a police state, and he is prepared to use every available tool to retain power. The leader who invaded Ukraine and illegally annexed Crimea in to bolster his foundering approval rating, and who secured a constitutional amendment last year so that he could remain president for life, is not about to be forced from power by a movement of weekend protesters. Already, law-enforcement officers have detained thousands including journalists , often using brutal tactics.

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